Investment Portfolios
Reliable tools for getting income!
First steps investment portfolio
Expected profitability
Current profitability
Optimal amount of investment
10 000 USD
38 %
Investment term
12 months
Whole period
Portfolio indicators
Current profitability
Monthly profitability
Current drawdown
Maximum drawdown
Portfolio formation date
Portfolio end date
The First steps conservative investment portfolio is a low risk portfolio. S&P 500 serves as a benchmark for this portfolio yield.The distribution of investments in various stocks allows to mitigate portfolio risks and get a reasonable returns
Kimberly-Clark (KMB) stocks sold with a loss of $235.3
Alibaba Group (BABA) stocks sold with a loss of $170.6
3M (MMM) stocks sold with a loss of $80.8
Contract for natural gas (NG) sold with a loss of $67.2
S&P 500 (US500) contract sold with a profit of $28.23
Long position on Brent crude (BRN) contract was opened with an upside potential of 7%
Several short positions were opened on S&P 500 (US500) contract quth a potential downside of 8%
Sell limit order was set for 10Y T-Notes (TNOTE) at 111.70
Intel (INTC) shares were sold with a loss of $187.5
Dividends recieved from 3M (MMM), CME Group (CME) and Kimberly Clark (KMB) in total of $22.56
Brent crude (BRN) long poistion was opened with a potential upside by 19%
Natural Gas contract (NG) long position was opened with a potential upside of 30%
S&P 500 (US500) index was sold with a downside potential at 7%
Intel (INTC) stocks were added to the portfolio with a target price at $45
Caterpillar (CAT) stocks target ptice was upgraded to $212
Gold trades were closed with a loss of $338.86
3M (MMM) stocks were added to the portfolio with a target price at $148
Caterpillar (CAT) stocks were bought with a target price at $200
3M (MMM) stocks were heated by stop-loss and were sold with a loss of $479.4
CME Group (CME) stocks were added to the portfolio at $297.41
Alibaba Group (BABA) stocks were added to the portfolio at $105.67
Kimberly Clark and 3M generated dividends of $25.5 that were added to the deposit
Gold (XAUUSD) trade was open at $1946.14
Caterpillar (CAT) stocks were sold with a profit of $170.80
Series of trades with gold (XAUUSD) were made with a profit of $455.29
Coca-Cola (KO) stocks were sold with a profit of $73
Apple (AAPL) stocks were sold with a profit of $91.6
Series of trades with gold (XAUUSD) were made with a profit of $650.86
Alibaba (BABA) stocks were closed with a loss of $645.6
Dividends from 3M(MMM) and Kimberley-Clark (KMB) recieved in total of $26.5
New trades with gold (XAUUSD) are open at average price of $1939.48
FaceBook (FB) hit the stop loss and was closed with a loss of $260
Caterpillar (CAT) paid dividends of $8.88
Apple (AAPL) paid dividends of $2.20
Stop-loss on Apple (AAPL) stocks was moved to $153.5
Stop-loss on Coca-Cola (KO) stocks was moved to $58.46
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB) paid dividends of $11.40
3M (MMM) paid dividends of $14.80
Coca-Cola (KO) paid dividends of $8.40
Tesla (TSLA) stocks were sold with a profit of $251.72
AMD (AMD) stocks were sold with a profit of $432.4
Caterpillar (CAT) paid dividends of $8.88
Apple (AAPL) paid dividends of $2.20
Launch of the portfolio
The portfolio is structured on two major types of stocks: stocks of large stable companies that regulary pay dividends, but have no significant growth potential. The second type is growth stocks that have such significant growth potential. And the latter one should become a major driver for portfolio value. Market conditions could cause the change of assets share in portfolio structure.
Portfolio performance: -4.49%
Expected profit: 6.6%; risk: 15.5%
Portfolio performance: -1.23%
Expected profit: 15.8%; risk: 12.3%
Portfolio performance: 5.05%
Expected profit: 17.7%; risk: 9.2%
Portfolio performance: 3.79%
Expected profit: 12.4%; risk: 7.3%
Portfolio performance: 4.57%
Expected profit: 19.4%; risk: 5.6%
Portfolio performance: 6.83%
Expected profit: 26%; risk: 0.4%
Portfolio performance: 8.37%
Expected profit: 20.9%; risk: 3%
Portfolio performance: 4.46%
Expected profit: 23.0%; risk: 7%
Portfolio performance: 2.25%
Expected profit: 37.7%; risk: 12%
Portfolio performance: 10.72%
Expected profit: 42.2%; risk: 23%
Portfolio performance: 6.73%
Expected profit: 42.2%; risk: 23%
Portfolio performance: 9.64%
Expected profit: 41.8%; risk: 23%
Launch of the portfolio
Underlying Asset Information
S&P 500
S&P 500
US 10Y Notes
US 10Y Notes
CME Group
CME Group
Brent crude
Brent crude
S&P 500
S&P 500 broad stock market index is considered the leading stock benchmark in the world. Over 500 top companies with the largest market capitalisation are listed in the index. The S&P 500 index is a highly deversified finnancial asset.
Highly deversified asset
High dowside potential
US 10Y Notes
U.S. 10 year Treasuries are government debt instruments issued by the Treasury of the United States that are considered the benchmark for the entire debt market not only in U.S., but globally. These securities are the most popular among other debt instruments and are considered a safe haven asset, and is frequently a cash equivalent in investment community.
Rising yields amid rising Fed interest rates
Treasuries prices are falling
Inflation is picking up
CME Group
CME Group Inc. — It is the world's largest financial derivatives exchange uniting Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Kansas City Board of Trade,  Chicago Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange and is an owner of Dow Jones Indexes. The group is headquartered in Chicago.
Low volatility
Financial sustainability of the Company
Strong financial and operational performance
Caterpillar– an American corporation that designs, develops, engineers, manufactures, markets, and sells products and services via its worldwide dealer network. It produces construction and mining equipment, engines, industrial turbines. It has also own line of clothing and workwear boots. Recently, the company has started to produce mobile phones. Caterpillar Inc. mobile devices function as a smartphone and a landline phone at the same time.
• Low volatility
• Dividends aristocrat
• Sustainable business model
• Strong financial and operational performance
Brent crude
Brent crude Spot contract
high demand for energies
long upward trend
high inflation affect energy prices
winter heating season is expected to boost prices