Total Net TIC Flows
Date Actual Forecast Prev
16-11-23 21:00 -67.4 131.0 (134.4)
18-10-23 20:00 134.4 141.4 (140.6)
18-09-23 20:00 140.6 137.9 (147.8)
15-08-23 20:00 147.8 42.8 -161.6 (-167.6)
18-07-23 20:00 -167.6 180.5 35.3 (48.4)
15-06-23 20:00 48.4 129 (56.7)
15-05-23 20:00 56.7 13.7 (28)
17-04-23 20:00 28 183.2 (183.1)
15-03-23 20:00 183.1 26.7 (28.6)
15-02-23 21:00 28.6 213.4 (213.1)
18-01-23 21:00 213.1 179.3 (179.9)
15-12-22 21:00 179.9 30.4 (30.9)
16-11-22 21:00 30.9 277.2 (275.6)
18-10-22 20:00 275.6 154 (153.5)
16-09-22 20:00 153.5 22.3 (22.1)
15-08-22 20:00 22.1 194.5 (182.5)
18-07-22 20:00 182.5 -2.7 (1.3)
15-06-22 20:00 1.3 108.7 (149.2)
16-05-22 20:00 149.2 160.3 (162.6)
15-04-22 20:00 162.6 287.4 (294.2)
15-03-22 20:00 294.2 -53.8 (-52.4)
15-02-22 21:00 -52.4 216.8 (223.9)
18-01-22 21:00 223.9 139.3 (143)
15-12-21 21:00 143 -27.3 (-26.8)
16-11-21 21:00 -26.8 91.1 (91)
18-10-21 20:00 91 164.1 (126)
16-09-21 20:00 126 32 (31.5)
16-08-21 20:00 31.5 98.2 (105.3)
16-07-21 20:00 105.3 100.1 (101.2)
15-06-21 20:00 101.2 146.7 (146.4)
17-05-21 20:00 146.4 73.7 (72.6)
15-04-21 20:00 72.6 105.8 (106.3)
15-03-21 20:00 106.3 8 (-0.6)
16-02-21 21:00 -0.6 114.7 (214.1)
19-01-21 21:00 214.1 -11.1 (-10.4)
15-12-20 21:00 -10.4 -80.5 (-79.9)
17-11-20 21:00 -79.9 85 (86.3)
16-10-20 20:00 86.3 -89.5 (-88.7)
16-09-20 20:00 -88.7 -69.8 (-67.9)
17-08-20 20:00 -67.9 -15.9 (-4.5)
16-07-20 20:00 -4.5 121.7 (125.3)
15-06-20 20:00 125.3 355.3 (349.9)
15-05-20 20:00 349.9 -14.3 (-13.4)
15-04-20 20:00 -13.4 38.3 127.3 (122.9)
16-03-20 20:00 122.9 -19.8 78.7 (78.2)
18-02-20 21:00 78.2 -0.4 77.3 (73.1)
16-01-20 21:00 73.1 51.7 -62 (-48.3)
16-12-19 21:00 -48.3 28.7 -38.1 (-37.6)
18-11-19 21:00 -37.60 35.9 41.9 (70.5)
16-10-19 20:00 70.5 66.6 43.3 (43.8)
17-09-19 20:00 43.8 9 21 (1.7)
15-08-19 20:00 1.7 -26.1 37.6 (32.9)
16-07-19 20:00 32.9 13.1 -9 (-7.8)
17-06-19 20:00 -7.8 17 -5.6 (-8.1)
15-05-19 20:00 -8.1 -30.9 -21.5 (-21.6)
15-04-19 20:00 -21.6 13.3 -143.7
15-03-19 20:00 -143.7 -113.5 (-33.1)
15-02-19 21:00 -33.1 32.1 (31)
17-12-18 21:00 42 -29.2 (-29.1)
16-11-18 21:00 -29.1 108.1 (108.2)
16-10-18 20:00 108.2 19.9 42.7 (52.2)
18-09-18 20:00 52.2 55.7 189.7 (114.5)
15-08-18 20:00 114.5 -80 69.2 (69.9)
17-07-18 20:00 69.9 52.3 138.7
15-06-18 20:00 138.7 -43.6 (-38.5)
15-05-18 20:00 -38.5 -55.6 47.5 (44.7)
16-04-18 20:00 44.7 26.1 122.6 (119.7)
15-03-18 20:00 119.7 43.1 -122.5 (-119.3)
15-02-18 21:00 -119.3 -37 33.5 (33.8)
17-01-18 21:00 33.8 31.3 152.9 (151.2)
15-12-17 21:00 151.2 -42.6 (-51.30)
15-11-17 21:00 -51.30 130.20 (125)
17-10-17 20:00 125 -7.3
18-09-17 20:00 -7.3 5.9 (7.7)
15-08-17 20:00 7.7 54.7 (57.3)
18-07-17 20:00 57.3 74.4 (65.8)
15-06-17 20:00 65.8 9.3 (-0.7)
15-05-17 20:00 -0.7 13.2 (19.3)
17-04-17 20:00 19.3 121.2 (110.4)
15-03-17 20:00 110.4 -65.3 (-42.8)
15-02-17 21:00 -42.8 30.2 (23.7)
18-01-17 21:00 23.7 20.6 (18.8)
15-12-16 21:00 18.8 -154.4 (-152.9)
16-11-16 21:00 -152.9 40 (73.8)
18-10-16 20:00 73.8 118 (140.6)
16-09-16 20:00 140.6 -194.5 (-202.8)
15-08-16 20:00 -202.8 -11.0
18-07-16 20:00 -11.0 93.1 (80.4)
15-06-16 20:00 80.4 -98.1 (-98.3)
16-05-16 20:00 -98.3 31.7 (33.5)
15-04-16 20:00 33.5 116.6 (118.4)
15-03-16 20:00 118.4 -106.8 (-114)
16-02-16 21:00 -114 -1.1 (-3.2)
19-01-16 21:00 -3.2 61 (68.9)
15-12-15 21:00 68.9 -172.7 (-175.1)
17-11-15 21:00 -175.1 -8.5 (-9.2)
16-10-15 20:00 -9.2 141 (141.9)
16-09-15 20:00 141.9 -129.7 (-110.3)
17-08-15 20:00 -110.3 109.6 (115)
16-07-15 20:00 115 107.9 (106.6)
15-06-15 20:00 106.6 -95.2 (-100.9)
15-05-15 20:00 -100.9 28.8 (4.1)
15-04-15 20:00 $4.1B 88.3
16-03-15 20:00 88.3 -176.8 (-174.8)
16-01-15 21:00 -6.3 178.4
15-12-14 21:00 +178.4 -57.6 (-55.6)
18-11-14 21:00 -55.6 44.8 (74.5)
16-10-14 20:00 74.5 57.7
16-09-14 20:00 57.7 -142 (-153.5)
15-08-14 13:00 -153.5 27.3 33.1 (19.4)
16-07-14 13:00 35.5 136.8
16-06-14 13:00 136.8 -122.3 (-126.1)
15-05-14 13:00 -126.1 175.9 (167.7)
15-04-14 13:00 167.7 83.0
18-03-14 13:00 83 -126.7 (-119.6)
18-02-14 14:00 -119.6 -13.0 (-16.6)
16-01-14 14:00 -16.6 188.1 (194.9)
16-12-13 14:00 194.9 -97.6 (-106.8)
18-11-13 14:00 -106.8 -13.8 (-2.9)
22-10-13 13:00 -2.9 56.7
17-09-13 13:00 +56.7 -19.7 (-19.0)
15-08-13 13:00 -19 56.6 (56.4)
16-07-13 13:00 56.4 28.3 (12.7)
15-05-13 13:00 2.1 61.9 (53.6)
15-04-13 13:00 53.6 110.9
15-03-13 13:00 110.9 25.2
15-02-13 14:00 25.2 27.8
16-01-13 14:00 27.8 -56.7
17-12-12 14:00 -56.7 4.7
16-11-12 14:00 4.7 63.5 (91.4)
16-10-12 13:00 91.4 73.7
18-09-12 13:00 73.7 15.1
15-08-12 13:00 16.7 121.3
17-07-12 13:00 101.7 -8.2
15-06-12 13:00 -20.5 -48.6
15-05-12 13:00 -49.9 92.6
16-04-12 13:00 107.7 3.1
15-03-12 13:00 18.8 40.0 87.1
15-02-12 14:00 87.1 62.3 42.9
18-01-12 14:00 48.6 50.0 -48.8
15-12-11 14:00 -48.8 65
16-11-11 14:00 65 89.3
18-10-11 13:00 89.3 -52.4
16-09-11 13:00 -52.4 -29.4
15-08-11 13:00 -29.4 -48.8
18-07-11 13:00 -48.8 66.6
15-06-11 13:00 66.6 127.1
16-05-11 13:00 127.1 95.6
15-04-11 13:00 95.6 30.6
15-03-11 14:00 30.6 49.7
15-02-11 14:00 49.7 35.6
18-01-11 11:00 35.6 15.1
15-12-10 14:00 15.1 80.1
16-11-10 14:00 80.1 11.2
18-10-10 13:00 11.2 63.3
16-09-10 11:00 63.3 -6.7
16-08-10 11:00 -6.7 17.1
16-07-10 11:00 17.1 13
15-06-10 11:00 13 26
17-05-10 11:00 26 9.7
15-04-10 11:00 9.7 -10.2
15-03-10 11:00 -10.2 53.6
16-02-10 11:00 53.6 50 30.7
19-01-10 11:00 30.7 -25.4
15-12-09 11:00 15.1 -25.4
17-11-09 11:00 -25.4 25.3
16-10-09 11:00 25.3 -107.7
16-09-09 11:00 -107.7 -31.2
17-08-09 11:00 -31.2 -65.7
16-07-09 11:00 -65.7 -11.2 -53.2
15-06-09 11:00 -53.2 25
15-05-09 11:00 25 -91.1
15-04-09 11:00 -91.1 -148.9
16-03-09 11:00 -148.9 86.2
17-02-09 11:00 86.2 61.3
16-01-09 11:00 61.3 -59.4
15-12-08 11:00 -59.4 143.4
18-11-08 11:00 143.4 21.4
16-10-08 11:00 21.4 -33.6
16-09-08 11:00 -33.6 59.9
15-08-08 11:00 59.9 12.3
16-07-08 11:00 12.3 61.6
16-06-08 11:00 61.6 -48.7
15-05-08 11:00 -48.7 48.9
15-04-08 11:00 35.7 48.9
17-03-08 11:00 35.7 60.4
15-02-08 11:00 60.4 97.8
Country U.S.
Source US Treasury


The index represents the difference between the overall US securities purchase and overall purchase of foreign long-term securities by American investors. The index takes into account short-term securities on the contrary to Net Long-term TIC Flows. If the indicator shows the increase not less than $40 billion per month, it is a positive sign for the US economy and the Dollar. The level higher than $80 billion demonstrates very high degree of interest to the US assets on behalf of the foreign investors.

Effect of market

As a rule it has a significant influence on the market but it varies from month to month. The positive balance growth reflects the capital inflow into the country, making it favorable for the Dollar.