Rightmove House Price Index (MoM)
Date Actual Forecast Prev
17-05-15 23:01 -0.1% 1.6%
16-03-15 00:01 +1.0% +2.1%
16-02-15 00:01 +2.1% +1.4%
19-01-15 00:01 +1.4% -2.2% (-3.3%)
15-12-14 00:01 -3.3% -1.7%
17-11-14 00:01 -1.7% +2.6%
19-10-14 23:01 +2.6% +0.9%
14-09-14 23:01 +0.9% -2.9%
17-08-14 23:01 -2.9% -0.8%
20-07-14 23:01 -0.8% +0.1%
15-06-14 23:01 +0.1% +3.6%
18-05-14 23:01 +3.6% +2.6%
13-04-14 23:01 +2.6% +1.6%
17-03-14 00:01 +1.6% +3.3%
17-02-14 00:01 +3.3% +1.0%
19-01-14 23:20 +1.0% -1.9%
16-12-13 00:01 -1.9% -2.4%
18-11-13 00:01 -2.4% +2.8%
20-10-13 23:01 +2.8% -1.5%
15-09-13 23:01 -1.5% -1.8%
18-08-13 23:01 -1.8% +0.3%
14-04-13 23:01 +2.1% +1.7%
18-03-13 00:01 +1.7% +2.8%
18-02-13 00:01 +2.8% +0.2%
21-01-13 00:01 +0.2% -3.3%
17-12-12 00:01 -3.3% -2.6%
19-11-12 00:01 -2.6% +3.5%
14-10-12 23:01 +3.5% -0.6%
14-10-12 23:01 +1.5% +0.7%
16-09-12 23:01 -0.6% -2.4%
19-08-12 23:01 -2.4% -1.7%
15-07-12 23:01 -1.7% +1.0%
17-06-12 23:01 1.0% 0.0%
20-05-12 23:01 0.0% +2.9%
15-04-12 23:01 +2.9% +1.6%
19-03-12 00:01 +1.6% +4.1%
20-02-12 00:01 +4.1% -0.8%
16-01-12 00:01 -0.8% -2.7%
19-12-11 00:01 -2.7% -3.1%
21-11-11 00:01 -3.1% +2.8%
16-10-11 23:01 2.80% 0.70%
18-09-11 23:01 0.70% -2.10%
14-08-11 23:01 -2.10% -1.60%
17-07-11 23:01 -1.60% 0.60%
16-06-11 23:01 0.60% 1.30%
15-05-11 23:01 1.30% 1.70%
17-04-11 23:01 1.70% 0.80%
21-03-11 00:01 +0.8% +3.1%
21-02-11 00:01 +3.1% +0.3%
17-01-11 00:01 0.3% -3.3%
13-12-10 00:01 -3.0% -3.2%
15-11-10 00:01 -3.20% 3.10%
17-10-10 23:01 3.10% -1.10%
19-09-10 11:00 -1.10% -1.70%
15-08-10 11:00 -1.70% -0.60%
18-07-10 11:00 -0.60% 0.30%
20-06-10 11:00 0.30% 0.70%
16-05-10 11:00 0.70% 2.60%
18-04-10 11:00 2.60% 0.10%
15-03-10 11:00 0.10% 3.20%
15-02-10 11:00 3.20% 0.40%
18-01-10 11:00 0.40% -2.20%
12-12-09 11:00 -2.20% -1.60%
16-11-09 11:00 -1.60% 2.80%
18-10-09 11:00 2.80% 0.60%
20-09-09 11:00 0.60% 0.60% -2.20%
16-08-09 11:00 -2.20% 0.60%
19-07-09 11:00 0.60% -0.40%
21-06-09 11:00 -0.40% 2.40%
17-05-09 11:00 2.40% 1.80%
19-04-09 11:00 1.80% 0.90%
16-03-09 11:00 0.90% 1.20%
16-02-09 11:00 1.20% -1.90%
19-01-09 11:00 -1.90% -2.30%
15-12-08 11:00 -2.30% -2.90%
17-11-08 11:00 -2.90% 1.00%
19-10-08 11:00 1% -1%
21-09-08 11:00 -1.00% -2.30%
17-08-08 11:00 -2.30% -1.80%
20-07-08 11:00 -1.80% -1.20%
22-06-08 11:00 -1.20% 1.20%
18-05-08 11:00 1.20% -0.10%
20-04-08 11:00 -0.10% 0.80%
24-03-08 11:00 0.80% 3.20%
18-02-08 11:00 3.20% -0.80%
21-01-08 11:00 -0.80% -3.20%
Country United Kingdom
Source Rightmove


The index reflects the sellers’ proposed price changes. The index is calculated by the largest real estate web site in Great Britain Rightmove. It is the primary real estate market index in Great Britain for the accounting period.

Effect of market

The index reflects the sellers’ proposed price changes. The index is calculated by the largest real estate web site in Great Britain Rightmove. It is the primary real estate market index in Great Britain for the accounting period.