Industrial Production (YoY)
Дата Фактичне Прогноз Попереднє
08-01-16 07:00 0.1% 0.4% (0.5%)
07-12-15 07:00 0.0% 0.4% (0.2%)
06-11-15 07:00 0.2% 1.55% 2.7% (2.9%)
07-10-15 06:00 2.3% 0.8% (0.5%)
07-09-15 06:00 0.5% 0.9% (1.0%)
07-08-15 06:00 0.6% 2.4% (2.1%)
07-07-15 06:00 2.1% 1.1% (1.4%)
08-06-15 06:00 1.4% 0.2% (0.0%)
08-05-15 06:00 0.1% -0.3%
09-04-15 06:00 -0.3% 0.9%
06-03-15 07:00 +0.9% +0.5% (-0.7%)
06-02-15 07:00 -0.7% -0.5%
09-01-15 07:00 -0.5% +1.2% (+0.8%)
08-12-14 07:00 +0.8% -0.1%
07-11-14 07:00 -0.1% -2.8%
07-10-14 06:00 -2.8% +2.5%
05-09-14 06:00 +2.5% -0.5%
07-08-14 06:00 -0.5% +1.1% (+1.3%)
07-07-14 06:00 +1.3% +1.8%
06-06-14 06:00 +1.8% +3.0%
08-05-14 06:00 +3.0% +4.0% (+4.8%)
07-04-14 06:00 +4.8% +4.9% (+5.0%)
07-03-14 11:00 +5.0% +3.4% (+2.6%)
07-02-14 11:00 +2.6% +3.5%
09-01-14 11:00 +3.5% +3.4% +1.0%
09-12-13 11:00 +1.0% +3.1% +1.0%
07-11-13 11:00 +1.0% +0.8% +0.9% (+0.3%)
09-10-13 10:00 +0.3% -1.5% -2.2%
06-09-13 10:00 -2.2% +0.6% +0.1% (+2.0%)
07-08-13 10:00 +2.0% -0.3% -1.2% (-1.0%)
08-07-13 10:00 -1.0% -0.5% +1.0%
07-06-13 10:00 +1.0% -0.8% -2.5%
08-05-13 10:00 -2.5% -3.9% -1.7% (-1.8%)
08-04-13 10:00 -1.8% -0.9% -2.6% (-1.3%)
08-03-13 11:00 -1.3% -1.2% -0.5% (-1.1%)
07-02-13 11:00 -1.1% -0.5% -3.1% (-2.9%)
09-01-13 11:00 -2.9% -2.9% -3.0% (-3.7%)
07-12-12 11:00 -3.7% -1.5% -1.2%
07-11-12 11:00 -1.2% +0.2% -1.4%
08-10-12 10:00 -1.3% -1.5% -1.4%
07-09-12 10:00 -1.4% -3.0% -0.3%
08-08-12 10:00 -0.3% +0.3% 0.0%
06-07-12 10:00 +0.0% -1.2% -0.6%
06-06-12 10:00 -0.7% +0.9% +1.9%
08-05-12 10:00 +1.6% -1.2% -1.0%
05-04-12 10:00 -1.0% +0.3% +1.8%
08-03-12 11:00 +1.8% +1.1% +0.9%
07-02-12 11:00 +0.9% +3.6%
09-01-12 11:00 +3.6% -0.5% +4.1%
07-12-11 11:00 +4.1% +3.5% +5.4%
07-11-11 11:00 +5.4% +7.2% +7.7%
07-10-11 10:00 +7.7% +6.8% +10.1%
07-09-11 10:00 +10.1% +6.7% +6.7%
05-08-11 10:00 +6.7% +7.6%
07-07-11 10:00 +7.6% +9.6%
08-06-11 10:00 +9.6% +10.0% +11.2%
06-05-11 10:00 +11.2% +10.6% +14.8%
07-04-11 10:00 +14.8% +12.5%
09-03-11 11:00 +12.5% +11.6% +10.0%
08-02-11 11:00 +10.0% 12.9% 11.1%
07-01-11 11:00 +12.1% +10.6% +11.7%
08-12-10 11:00 +11.7% +10.0% +7.9%
08-11-10 11:00 +7.9% +9.5% +10.7%
07-10-10 10:00 +10.7% +10.9%
08-09-10 11:00 11.50% 12.50% 10.50%
06-08-10 11:00 10.50% 11.60% 12.60%
08-07-10 11:00 12.60% 9.30% 13.70%
08-06-10 11:00 13.70% 12.30% 9.20%
07-05-10 11:00 9.20% 6.40% 5.80%
08-04-10 11:00 5.80% 6.30% 3.50%
08-03-10 11:00 3.50% 0.90% -4.20%
05-02-10 11:00 -4.20% -3.70% -7.50%
08-01-10 11:00 -7.50% -8.00% -11.90%
08-12-09 11:00 -11.90% -10.20% -12.20%
09-11-09 11:00 -12.20% -14.40% -16.50%
08-10-09 11:00 -16.50% -16.70% -16.30%
08-09-09 11:00 -16.30% -15.80% -16.80%
07-08-09 11:00 -16.80% -17.50% -17.40%
08-07-09 11:00 -17.40% -20.00% -22.00%
09-06-09 11:00 -22.00% -21.10% -19.50%
08-05-09 11:00 -19.50% -20.90% -20.60%
09-04-09 11:00 -20.60% -21.70% -18.50%
12-03-09 11:00 -18.50% -15.50% -11.40%
06-02-09 11:00 -11.40% -9.60% -7.35%
09-01-09 11:00 -7.35% -5.50% -3.80%
08-12-08 11:00 -3.80% -3.60% -1.80%
07-11-08 11:00 -1.80% 0.50% 1.70%
08-10-08 11:00 1.70% -2.90% -0.60%
05-09-08 11:00 -0.60% 0.90% 1.50%
07-08-08 11:00 1.50% 1.50% 1.10%
07-07-08 11:00 1.10% 3.20% 5.00%
06-06-08 11:00 5.00% 6.30% 4.70%
08-05-08 11:00 4.70% 5.00% 5.70%
07-04-08 11:00 5.70% 5.30% 6.50%
07-03-08 11:00 6.50% 4.60% 4.90%
08-02-08 11:00 4.90% 4.20% 4.20%
09-01-08 11:00 4.20% 4.60% 6.40%
Країна Germany
Джерело Federal Statistical Office of Germany


The index represents the change of output in the manufacturing and mining industry, forestry, and electricity production. High or rising indicator values indicate the development of the economy.

Вплив на ринок

As the economy of Germany is leading the EU, the market participants are closely watching this indicator. Overall, the index growth is positive for the euro.