National Australia Bank's Business Confidence
Дата Фактичне Прогноз Попереднє
09-07-24 01:30 4 -5 -2 (-3)
11-06-24 01:30 -3 0 1
13-05-24 01:30 1 2 1
09-04-24 01:30 1 -3 0
12-03-24 00:30 0 -1 1
23-01-24 00:30 -1 -7 -9
12-12-23 00:30 -9 -1 -3 (-2)
14-11-23 00:30 -2 1
10-10-23 00:30 1 1
12-09-23 01:30 2 1 (2)
08-08-23 01:30 2 -1
11-07-23 01:30 0 -1 -4
13-06-23 01:30 -4 0 0
08-05-23 01:30 0 -1
11-04-23 01:30 -1 -2 -4
14-03-23 00:30 -4 0 6
14-02-23 00:30 6 0 (-1)
24-01-23 00:30 -1 3 -4
13-12-22 00:30 -4 0
08-11-22 00:30 0 5
11-10-22 00:30 5 10
13-09-22 01:30 10 8 (7)
09-08-22 01:30 7 2 (1)
12-07-22 01:30 1 6
14-06-22 01:30 6 10
10-05-22 01:30 10 16
12-04-22 01:30 16 13
08-03-22 00:30 13 4
08-02-22 00:30 3 -12
25-01-22 00:30 -12 12
14-12-21 00:30 12 20
09-11-21 00:30 21 10 (13)
12-10-21 00:30 13 -6
14-09-21 01:30 -5 -7 (-8)
10-08-21 01:30 -8 11
13-07-21 01:30 11 20
08-06-21 01:30 20 23 (17)
10-05-21 01:30 26 17 (15)
13-04-21 01:30 15 18 (16)
09-03-21 00:30 16 12
09-02-21 00:30 10 5
27-01-21 00:30 4 13 (12)
08-12-20 00:30 12 3 (5)
10-11-20 00:30 5 -4
05-10-20 00:30 -4 -8
08-09-20 01:30 -8 -14
11-08-20 01:30 -14 0 (1)
14-07-20 01:30 1 -20
09-06-20 01:30 -20 -32 -45 (-46)
12-05-20 01:30 -46 -66
14-04-20 01:30 -66 -4
10-03-20 00:30 -4 -1
11-02-20 00:30 -1 0 -2
28-01-20 00:30 -2 1 0
10-12-19 00:30 0 0 2
12-11-19 00:30 2 0 0
08-10-19 00:30 0 1
10-09-19 01:30 1 4
13-08-19 01:30 4 3 2
09-07-19 01:30 2 2 7
11-06-19 01:30 7 0
14-05-19 01:30 0 1 0
01-04-19 00:30 7 4 2
12-03-19 00:30 2 3 4
12-02-19 00:30 4 3 3
29-01-19 00:30 3 3
11-12-18 00:30 3 5 (4)
13-11-18 00:30 4 6
09-10-18 00:30 6 5 5 (4)
11-09-18 01:30 4 5 7
14-08-18 01:30 7 6 6
10-07-18 01:30 6 8 7 (6)
12-06-18 01:30 6 9 11 (10)
07-05-18 01:30 10 8 (7)
10-04-18 01:30 7 12 9
13-03-18 00:30 9 9 11 (12)
13-02-18 00:30 12 10 10 (11)
30-01-18 00:30 11 12 7 (6)
12-12-17 00:30 6 9 (8)
14-11-17 00:30 8 8 (7)
10-10-17 00:30 7 6 5
12-09-17 01:30 5 12
08-08-17 01:30 12 9
11-07-17 01:30 9 7
13-06-17 01:30 7 13
08-05-17 01:30 13 6
11-04-17 01:30 6 7
14-03-17 00:30 7 10
14-02-17 00:30 10 6
09-02-17 00:30 5 6
31-01-17 00:30 6 6 (5)
13-12-16 00:30 5 4
08-11-16 00:30 4 6
11-10-16 00:30 6 6
13-09-16 01:30 6 4
09-08-16 01:30 4 5 (6)
12-07-16 01:30 6 3
14-06-16 01:30 3 5
12-04-16 01:30 6 3
08-03-16 00:30 3 3 (2)
09-02-16 00:30 2 3
08-12-15 00:30 5 3 (2)
10-11-15 00:30 2 5
13-10-15 00:30 5 1
08-09-15 01:30 1 4
11-08-15 01:30 4 8 (10)
14-07-15 01:30 10 8 (7)
09-06-15 01:30 7 3
11-05-15 01:30 3 3
14-04-15 01:30 6 2
10-03-15 00:30 0 3
10-02-15 00:30 3 2
27-01-15 00:30 2 4 1
09-12-14 00:30 1 4
11-11-14 00:30 4 5
14-10-14 00:30 5 7 (8)
09-09-14 01:30 8 11
12-08-14 01:30 11 8
08-07-14 01:30 8 7
10-06-14 01:30 7 6
12-05-14 01:30 6.0 4.1
08-04-14 01:30 4 7
11-03-14 00:30 7 8
11-02-14 00:30 8 6
28-01-14 00:30 6 6 (5)
10-12-13 00:30 5 5
12-11-13 00:30 5 12
08-10-13 00:30 12 4 (6)
10-09-13 01:30 6 -3
13-08-13 01:30 -7 0
13-08-13 01:30 -3 0
09-07-13 01:30 0 -1
11-06-13 01:30 -1 -2
13-05-13 01:30 -2 2
09-04-13 01:30 2 1
12-03-13 00:30 1 3
12-02-13 00:30 3 3
29-01-13 00:30 3 -9
11-12-12 00:30 -9 -1
12-11-12 00:30 -1 0
09-10-12 00:30 0 -2
11-09-12 01:30 -2 4
14-08-12 01:30 4 -3
12-06-12 01:30 -2 4
07-05-12 01:30 4 3
10-04-12 01:30 3 1
13-03-12 00:30 1 4
14-02-12 00:30 4 3
31-01-12 00:30 3 2
13-12-11 00:30 2 2
08-11-11 00:30 2 -2
11-10-11 00:30 -2 -8
13-09-11 01:30 -8 2
09-08-11 01:30 2 0
12-07-11 11:00 0 6
14-06-11 11:00 6 7
09-05-11 11:00 7 9
12-04-11 11:00 9 14
08-03-11 11:00 14 4
08-02-11 11:00 4 -3
01-02-11 11:00 -3 6
14-12-10 11:00 6 8
09-11-10 11:00 8 10
12-10-10 11:00 10 11
14-09-10 11:00 11 2
10-08-10 11:00 2 4
13-07-10 11:00 4 5
08-06-10 11:00 5 13
10-05-10 11:00 13 16
13-04-10 11:00 16 19
09-03-10 11:00 19 15
16-02-10 11:00 15 8
02-02-10 11:00 8 19
08-12-09 11:00 19 16
10-11-09 11:00 16 14
13-10-09 11:00 14 18
08-09-09 11:00 18 10
11-08-09 11:00 10 4
14-07-09 11:00 4 -2
09-06-09 11:00 -2 -14
11-05-09 11:00 -14 -13
14-04-09 11:00 -13 -22
10-03-09 11:00 -22 -32
10-02-09 11:00 -32 -20
27-01-09 11:00 -20 -30
09-12-08 11:00 -30 -29
11-11-08 11:00 -29 -8
14-10-08 11:00 -8 -7
09-09-08 11:00 -7 -9
12-08-08 11:00 -9 -9
08-07-08 11:00 -9 -4
10-06-08 11:00 -4 -8
12-05-08 11:00 -8 -4
08-04-08 11:00 -4 -2
11-03-08 11:00 -2 -4
12-02-08 11:00 -4 5
29-01-08 11:00 5 6
Країна Australia
Джерело NAB


The indicator shows the non-agricultural economy sector sentiment in Australia. It is compiled by the National Australia Bank (NAB) and is based on survey of about 350 large and small Australian companies. This comprehensive study helps to evaluate the state of Australian economy. National Australia Bank releases both monthly and quarterly reports. Quarterly report is considered to be more complete covering over 1000 companies of different sizes. The study does not include agricultural sector due to the seasonal fluctuations and state protection. Index value above zero shows prevailing optimism.

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It has a moderate influence on the rate of the Australian Dollar. The Index growth compared with previous month or the actual value raise over the forecast may provide a shot timesupport to the Australian currency.