According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), real (price adjusted) new orders in manufacturing rose by 1.3%, on a seasonally and calendar adjusted basis, in September 2021 compared with August 2021. Economists had expected a 2.0% increase. Not including major orders, an 0.2% increase in new orders in manufacturing was recorded in August 2021.
In September 2021, new orders increased most considerably in the manufacture of machinery and equipment (+12.2%), where comprehensive major orders were reported. A 9.6% increase in new orders was recorded in the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, after a 12.6% decline had been seen in August 2021.
Compared with February 2020, the month before restrictions were imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic in Germany, new orders in September 2021 were 8.6% higher in seasonally and calendar adjusted terms. Compared with September 2020, they were by a calendar adjusted 9.7% higher.
Domestic orders were down 5.9% in September 2021 on the previous month. Foreign orders rose by 6.3%. New orders from the euro area decreased by 7.3%. The increase in new orders from other countries, also attributable to major orders in the manufacture of machinery and equipment, amounted to 14.9% (excl. major orders: +6.7%).
Producers of intermediate goods saw new orders in September 2021 fall 2.0% on the month before. The producers of capital goods recorded an increase of 3.9%. Regarding consumer goods, orders were down 1.7%.