Ekonomické zprávy

French consumer spending unexpectedly declined in September

According to the report from INSEE, household consumption of goods decreased by 0.2% in volume in September, after a 0.7% rebound in August. Economists had expected a 0.3% increase. This slight decrease is mainly due to the clear fall in food consumption (–1.5%). Energy consumption was virtually stable. Purchases of manufactured goods bounced back (+0.8%).

Over the whole third quarter 2021, household consumption on goods increased (+1.8%).

In September, food consumption decreased by 1.5% (2.8% in August), partly offset by the tobacco consumption.

Over the whole third quarter 2021, food consumption fell clearly (–3.2%), linked to the sharp rebound in food services.

In September, energy consumption was virtually stable (–0.1% after +0.3% in August). The decrease in gas and electricity consumption was offset by the rise in fuel consumption.

Over the whole third quarter 2021, energy consumption increased (+2.1%).

In September, consumption of manufactured goods bounced back (+0.8% after –1.0%).

Over the whole third quarter 2021, households' manufactured good consumption increased sharply (+6.3%).

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