Ekonomické zprávy

NZD/USD to see further gains towards the 0.7315 mark - Westpac

NFXStreet notes that NZD/USD spent the past week consolidating with yield spreads, sentiment, and commodities all supporting the pair. In the opinion of economists at Westpac, the week ahead target is 0.7315.

“A break above 0.7220 would signal a move to 0.7315, and eventually to 0.7465 by year-end.”

“NZ-US yield spreads continue to rise.”

“Rising inflation expectations are surely one factor, but NZ interest rate markets also appear to be driven by positioning and domestic hedging flow from mortgage fixing, and the resultant yields are supporting the NZD."

“Global sentiment is elevated, while the global commodity boom is starting to take agri-commodities for the ride.”  

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