Ekonomické zprávy

Spain's consumer price growth accelerated in October

According to the flash report from the National Statistics Institute (INE), the estimated annual inflation of the CPI in October 2021 is 5.5%. This indicator provides a preview of the CPI which, if confirmed, would mean an increase of one point and a half in its annual rate, since in September this variation was 4.0%. The advanced figure for October, 5.5%, would be the highest level of CPI since September 1992.

In this behaviour, the increase in electricity prices stands out, and to a lesser extent, fuels and oil prices for personal vehicles and gas, compared to the decreases recorded in October of last year.

For its part, the estimated annual variation rate of underlying inflation (general index excluding non-processed food and energy products) increases four tenths to 1.4%, which is more than four points below to that of the general CPI. This is the highest difference between the two rates since the beginning of the series in August 1986.

Consumer prices registered a rate of 2.0% in October compared to September, according to the leading indicator of the CPI.

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