Ekonomické zprávy

Germany trims 2021 forecast, but raised forecast for 2022

Bloomberg reports that Germany expects growth this year to be significantly weaker than predicted.

The cut in the government’s 2021 outlook to 2.6% -- compared with a prediction of 3.5% published at the end of April -- is partly down to supply bottlenecks and rising energy prices, particularly for gas, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said.

Experts from his ministry raised their forecast for 2022 GDP growth to 4.1% from 3.6%, and predicted that growth will “normalize” at a rate of 1.6% in 2023. 

“The precondition is that we stabilize international supply chains, and, for example, make sure that more of the chips are produced that are built into almost every device, especially cars,” Altmaier said earlier in an interview with ARD television.

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