On Monday, at 08:00 GMT, Germany will publish an indicator of the business environment from the IFO, an indicator of the assessment of the current situation from the IFO and an indicator of economic expectations from the IFO for October. At 10:00 GMT, in Germany, the Bundesbank's monthly report will be released. At 13:00 GMT, Belgium will present an index of business sentiment for October.
On Tuesday, at 10:00 GMT, Britain will release the CBI retail sales volume balance for October. At 13:00 GMT, the US will publish the S&P/Case-Shiller housing price index for August, and at 14:00 GMT - the consumer confidence indicator and the Fed-Richmond manufacturing index for October. Also at 14:00 GMT, the US will announce a change in new home sales for September. At 21:45 GMT, New Zealand will report a change in the trade balance for September.
On Wednesday, at 00:00 GMT in New Zealand, the ANZ business confidence indicator for October will be released. At 00:30 GMT, Australia will release the consumer price index for the 3rd quarter. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will publish the Gfk consumer climate index for November. At 08:00 GMT, Switzerland will present an index of expectations of Swiss investors, according to ZEW and Credit Suisse for October. Also at 08:00 GMT, the eurozone will report a change in the M3 money supply and the private loans for September. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce a change in durable goods orders and the goods trade balance for September. At 14:00 GMT in Canada, the Bank of Canada's interest rate decision will be announced. At 14:30 GMT, the United States will announce a change in oil reserves according to the Ministry of Energy. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will report a change in retail trade volume for September.
On Thursday, at 00:30 GMT, Australia will release the import price index for the 3rd quarter. At 03:00 GMT, in Japan, the Bank of Japan's interest rate decision will be announced. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will present the Nationwide house price index for October. At 07:55 GMT, Germany will announce changes in the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed for October. At 09:00 GMT in the eurozone, the index of business optimism in industry, the index of sentiment in the economy and the consumer confidence index for October will be released. At 11:45 GMT, in the eurozone, the ECB's interest rate decision will be published. At 12:00 GMT in Germany, the consumer price index for October will be released. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will report changes in the volume of GDP for the 3rd quarter, as well as the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in pending home sales for September. At 23:30 GMT, Japan will publish the Tokyo consumer price index for October and report changes in the unemployment rate for September. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will announce a change in industrial production for September.
On Friday, at 00:30 GMT, Australia will announce changes in the volume of retail trade and the volume of lending to the private sector for September, and will release the producer price index for the 3rd quarter. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will publish an indicator of consumer confidence for October and report a change in the housing starts for September. At 05:30 GMT, France will announce changes in the volume of GDP for the 3rd quarter and the volume of consumer spending for September. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will report a change in retail trade for September. At 06:30 GMT, Switzerland will announce a change in retail trade for September. At 06:45 GMT, France will publish the consumer price index for October. At 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will release the index of leading economic indicators from KOF for October. At 08:00 GMT, Germany will announce a change in the volume of GDP for the 3rd quarter. At 08:30 GMT, Britain will announce changes in the volume of the M4 money supply aggregate, the number of approved applications for a mortgage loan and the volume of net loans to individuals for September. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will report changes in GDP for the 3rd quarter and release the consumer price index for October. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce the change in GDP for August and release the producer price index for September. Also at 12:30 GMT, the US will publish the PCE price index ex food, energy for September, and will report changes in the personal income and personal spending for September. At 13:45 GMT, the US will present the Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index for October, and at 14:00 GMT - the consumer sentiment index from the University of Michigan for October. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes report on the number of active oil drilling rigs will be released.
On Sunday at 01:00 GMT, China will release the PMI index for the manufacturing sector and the index of activity in the non-manufacturing sector for October. At 21:30 GMT, Australia will publish the index of activity in the manufacturing sector from AiG for October.