Ekonomické zprávy

Unemployment rate in Australia rose slightly in September.

RTTNews reports that according to the report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate in Australia came in at a seasonally adjusted 4.6 percent in September. That was up from 4.5 percent in August, although it was shy of expectations for 4.8 percent.

The economy lost 138,000 jobs last month to 2,884,600 - slightly worse than forecasts (-137,500 jobs) following the loss of 146,300 jobs in August.

Full-time employment added 26,700 jobs last month to 8,983,200 following the loss of 68,000 in August. Part-time jobs lost 164,700 to 3,901,400 following the loss of 78,200 jobs a month earlier.

The unemployment rate increased by 0.1 pts to 4.6 percent, while the unemployment rate was 0.6 pts lower than March 2020. Unemployed people increased by 8,900 to 626,000, while unemployed people was 97,200 lower than March 2020. The youth unemployment rate increased by 0.2 pts to 10.8 percent, while the youth unemployment rate was 0.7 pts lower than March 2020

Monthly hours worked in all jobs increased by 15.0 million hours (0.9 percent) to 1,729 million hours but decreased by 36.0 million hours (2.0 percent) from March 2020.

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