Změny v úrovni cen potravin, m/m
Datum Skutečné Předpověď Předchozí
13-08-18 00:45 0.7% 0.5%
11-08-17 00:45 -0.2% 0.2%
12-06-15 00:45 0.4% -0.3%
13-05-15 00:45 -0.3% 0.1%
15-04-15 00:45 0.1% -0.7%
11-03-15 22:45 -0.7% +1.3%
12-02-15 22:45 +1.3% +0.3%
14-01-15 22:45 +0.3% -0.5%
10-12-14 22:45 -0.5% 0.0%
12-11-14 22:45 0.0% -0.8%
12-10-14 23:45 -0.8% +0.3%
12-09-14 00:45 +0.3% -0.7%
27-08-14 00:45 -0.7% +1.4%
11-07-14 00:45 +1.4% +0.6%
13-06-14 00:45 +0.6% +0.6%
13-05-14 00:45 0.6% -0.3%
11-04-14 00:45 -0.3% -1.0%
12-03-14 22:45 -1.0% -0.2% +1.2%
13-02-14 22:45 1.2% -0.1%
14-01-14 22:45 -0.1% -0.2%
10-10-13 23:45 0.0% -0.5%
12-08-13 00:45 +0.5% +2.1%
13-05-13 00:45 +0.2% -1.3%
12-04-13 00:45 -1.3% -0.3%
13-02-13 22:30 +1.9% -0.2%
14-01-13 22:45 -0.2% -0.8%
12-12-12 22:45 -0.8% -0.6%
12-11-12 22:45 -0.6% -0.9%
14-09-12 00:45 +0.1% +0.2%
12-07-12 00:45 +1.4% +0.3%
14-06-12 00:45 +0.3% -0.1%
13-02-12 22:45 0.0% +0.2%
15-01-12 22:45 0.20% 0.20%
12-12-11 22:45 0.20% -1.30%
10-11-11 22:45 -1.30% -1.00%
12-10-11 23:45 -1.00% -1.30%
12-09-11 23:45 -1.30% 2.00%
24-08-11 23:45 2.00% 1.40%
12-07-11 23:45 1.40% 0.50%
13-06-11 23:45 0.50% 0.10%
11-05-11 23:45 0.10% 0.30%
12-04-11 23:45 0.30% 0.10%
10-03-11 22:45 0.10% 1.80%
10-02-11 22:45 1.80% -0.80%
16-01-11 22:45 -0.80% -0.60%
12-12-10 22:45 -0.60% 2.20%
10-11-10 22:45 2.20% 0.70%
12-10-10 23:45 0.70% -0.10%
12-09-10 23:45 -0.10% 1.60%
11-08-10 13:00 1.60% 1.30%
12-07-10 13:00 1.30% -0.70%
10-06-10 13:00 -0.70% -0.50%
12-05-10 13:00 -0.50% 0.20%
19-04-10 13:00 0.20% -1.30%
10-03-10 12:00 -1.30% 2.10%
10-02-10 12:00 2.10% -0.30%
19-01-10 12:00 -0.30% -0.30%
10-12-09 12:00 -0.30% -1.50%
10-11-09 12:00 -1.50% -0.70%
14-10-09 13:00 -0.70% -0.90%
10-09-09 13:00 -0.90% 0.60%
12-08-09 13:00 0.60% 2.80%
15-07-09 13:00 2.80% 0.30%
11-06-09 13:00 0.30% -0.60%
11-05-09 13:00 -0.60% 0.50%
16-04-09 13:00 0.50% 0.20%
11-03-09 12:00 0.20% 0.80%
11-02-09 12:00 0.80% -0.20%
19-01-09 12:00 -0.20% 0.80%
10-12-08 12:00 0.80% -0.30%
16-11-08 12:00 -0.30% 0.60%
20-10-08 13:00 0.60% 2.70%
10-09-08 13:00 2.70% 0.60%
24-08-08 13:00 0.60% 1.30%
14-07-08 13:00 1.30% 1.00%
11-06-08 13:00 1.00% 0.30%
12-05-08 13:00 0.30% 0.70%
14-04-08 13:00 0.70% 1.20%
11-03-08 12:00 0.80% 0.40%
13-02-08 12:00 0.40% 0.90%
16-01-08 12:00 0.90% 0.40%
Stát Nový Zéland
Zdroj Statistika Nový Zéland (Statistics New Zealand)


The index reflects the change in the price of food and food services purchased by households. Despite that food is among the most volatile consumer price components, the index is important as New Zealand's major inflation data is released on a quarterly basis.

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It has a moderate influence on the NZ dollar. Overall, the index growth is positive for the NZ currency.